Xiaomi MIX Flip features leaked - News - NewsXiaomi MIX Flip features leaked - News - News

Title: Xiaomi’s Upcoming MIX Flip: A Global Launch with New Features and Expected Specifications

Xiaomi, the leading Chinese technology company, is gearing up for the launch of its much-anticipated new device, the MIX Flip. With every passing day, more details about this innovative gadget are emerging, bringing a wave of excitement among tech enthusiasts worldwide. However, there have been some corrections to earlier assumptions regarding Xiaomi’s upcoming foldable devices.

First, it is essential to clarify that the MIX FOLD 4 will not be sold globally but exclusively in China. Instead, Xiaomi has a surprise in store for May – the eagerly awaited MIX Flip, which is expected to be available on the international market.

Background and Previous Attempts

The concept of Xiaomi’s MIX Flip was first introduced in 2021, but the project was halted. Now, Xiaomi is working diligently to bring a new version of this foldable device to life, with an anticipated official announcement set for May 2023. Initially, there was some confusion between the MIX Flip and the previously rumored MIX FOLD 4; however, upon closer inspection, it has become apparent that they are two distinct models.

Leaked Features of the MIX Flip

Some intriguing details about Xiaomi’s upcoming MIX Flip have been leaked. The device is believed to carry model numbers “2405CPX3DG / 2405CPX3DC” and the codename “ruyi.” Internally, it is also known as the “N8.” Xiaomi’s assignment of the number “8” to MIX series devices suggests an intriguing connection. The last MIX device with this number was the MIX 4, which featured an under-display camera and was sold exclusively in China.

The new MIX Flip is anticipated to be equipped with the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor and a dual-camera setup on the back. Additionally, there have been leaked images suggesting a small screen below the cameras – an intriguing design that is yet to be officially confirmed.

Global Availability and Anticipated Launch Event

The MIX Flip is expected to be available in various countries, including Turkey. However, it appears that India will not be included in the list of launch markets. Xiaomi’s ambitious plans for the MIX Flip culminate in a significant launch event scheduled for May 2023, leaving many wondering what new and innovative features this device will bring to the table. Stay tuned for more updates on Xiaomi’s latest offering!

By Pier

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