Xiaomi is now entering OLED key component manufacturing - News - NewsXiaomi is now entering OLED key component manufacturing - News - News

has partnered with Lumilan, a company specializing in the R&D, manufacturing, sales, and service of new OLED materials. As DCS notes, Xiaomi is aiming to polish the underlying technology of display materials by participating in research and development of key OLED materials. So, Xiaomi is not going to manufacture the end product or the display panels themselves, at least for now.
Xiaomi’s joint venture aims to improve the underlying display technology
We are already seeing a number of display manufacturers like BOE crafting great OLED panels that are
getting brighter and brighter
. An investment in underlying technologies could contribute to overcoming certain limitations and improving the end product even further.
For this purpose, Xiaomi launched “Xiaomi-Lumilan OLED Key Materials and Devices Joint Laboratory” in Ningbo, one of the industrial centers in China.
In the unveiling ceremony of the joint laboratory, Wu Cangzhi, general manager of Xiaomi’s mobile phone display and touch department, said: “Xiaomi’s goal in the new decade is to invest heavily in underlying core technologies and strive to become a global leader in new generation hard-core technology” (machine translation). He expects to consolidate Xiaomi’s underlying technology in the field of display materials with this latest development. He also noted that this joint venture with Lumilan will focus on the pain points of the
industry and strive to improve the performance of display products.
Chairman of OLED manufacturer Lumilan noted, “Lumilan will work closely with Xiaomi, starting from the Xiaomi-Lumilan OLED key materials and devices joint laboratory.” They are aiming to overcome the existing technological bottlenecks in the OLED display industry.

By Pier

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