Xiaomi to tap into open-back headphones space on April 10th - News - NewsXiaomi to tap into open-back headphones space on April 10th - News - News

is preparing to expand its product line with the release of its first open-back headphones. The company has confirmed that these earphones will debut at the upcoming
launch conference set for April 10th
, where the spotlight will be on the
Redmi Turbo 3
. The event will also feature the launch of the
Redmi Pad Pro
Details about the earphones are limited, but a poster shared by Xiaomi on Weibo has revealed the earbud’s design and two color options — cream white and white. The case is color-matched with the buds and features a flat design with an LED indicator on the middle frame.
Specifications for Xiaomi’s first open-back earphones are under wraps at the moment. It is expected that features will likely focus on long battery life and comfortable wear, similar to other competing products in the market.
For those unaware, unlike traditional in-ear headphones, open-back earphones sit just outside your ear canal, leaving your ears open.
They primarily use bone conduction or air conduction technologies to transmit sound. Bone conduction works by sending vibrations through your cheekbones directly to your inner ear (cochlea), bypassing your eardrum.
In air conduction technology, small directional speakers sit near your ears and fire sound waves directly toward your ear canal. Your eardrum still picks up the sound as normal. Xiaomi’s upcoming headphones will look to utilize air-conduction technology.
The open-back earphone market is experiencing growth, spurred by increasing user demand for comfortable audio options. According to an IDC report, the open-back headphone market hit sales of 6.52 million units in 2023, a notable year-on-year increase of 130.2%.
The trend indicates a shift in user preferences away from true wireless and neck-mounted earphones.

By Pier

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