NVIDIA RTX 50 series cards to be unveiled sooner than expected - News - NewsNVIDIA RTX 50 series cards to be unveiled sooner than expected - News - News

Title: Anticipated Arrival of NVIDIA’s RTX 50 Series Cards in the Fourth Quarter of 2024: A Preview

The technology landscape is always abuzz with rumors and leaks surrounding upcoming innovations, especially in the realm of graphics processing units (GPUs). One such anticipated release is NVIDIA’s RTX 50 series cards. While an official announcement was predicted for CES in 2025, recent rumors hint at a potentially earlier unveiling. Let us explore the latest developments and possibilities surrounding NVIDIA’s upcoming GPU releases.

RTX 50 Series Cards: An Early Unveiling?
According to a reliable source on Twitter, @kopite7kimi, who is known for accurate leaks related to NVIDIA, was recently asked about the timeline for NVIDIA’s next-generation GPUs. In response, @kopite7kimi mentioned that we could “expect the introduction of the RTX 50 series GPUs by the end of this year.” [1] This revelation has sparked excitement among tech enthusiasts, as it suggests that NVIDIA might introduce its new RTX 50 series cards before the anticipated CES 2025 event.

High-End GPUs Leading the Way
The latest article from IT Home indicates that NVIDIA will most likely launch high-end GPUs first within the RTX 50 series. [2] The initial offering is expected to include the RTX 5080 and RTX 5090, with potential future additions of the RTX 5060 or RTX 5070. Given NVIDIA’s recent investments in artificial intelligence (ai) features, there is a strong possibility that these high-performance cards will hit the market in the last quarter of 2024.

A Glimpse into NVIDIA’s Future
Although these leaks provide an intriguing perspective, it is important to remember that they do not definitively confirm NVIDIA’s intentions. However, if the rumors are indeed true, tech enthusiasts can look forward to high-end offerings from the RTX 50 series in the fourth quarter of 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as further information becomes available.

[1] “NVIDIA’s next-generation GPUs may be unveiled by the end of this year,” Twitter, kopite7kimi, January 18, 2023.
[2] “First GPUs from NVIDIA in 2024 will likely be high-end ones,” IT Home, January 15, 2023.

By Pier

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