Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

Huawei Unveils Kirin 9000C-Powered Qingyun W515x and W585x Desktops: Pushing the Boundaries of Mobile Processor Use in Desktop Computing

In a bold move that is sure to shake up the desktop computing market, Huawei has unveiled its latest offerings, the Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops. The standout feature of these innovative devices is their use of Huawei’s Kirin 9000C mobile processor, a first-of-its-kind implementation in the desktop computing realm. This decision defies industry norms and pushes the boundaries of what is possible with mobile processors in desktop systems.

Groundbreaking Innovation

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The Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops mark a significant departure from traditional desktop designs. By incorporating the high-performance Kirin 9000C chip, Huawei aims to deliver efficient and powerful computing experiences while also reducing clutter and making the devices more portable. The Kirin 9000C processor, which was previously used in Huawei’s top-tier smartphones, boasts an impressive 16-core architecture and a maximum clock speed of 3.13 GHz.

Performance and Capabilities

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The integration of the Kirin 9000C chip allows these desktops to deliver impressive performance in various applications, including gaming, graphic design, video editing, and even machine learning. With the Mali-G78 GPU and advanced AI capabilities, these desktops can handle complex tasks with ease. Additionally, they come with ample storage options (up to 2TB) and support for high-speed memory modules like DDR4 and PCIe NVMe SSDs.

Design and Connectivity

In terms of design, the Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops are sleek and compact, with minimalist aesthetics that blend seamlessly into any workspace. The devices can be easily connected to external monitors, keyboards, and mice via standard interfaces such as USB-C, HDMI, and Ethernet ports. Huawei has also included Wi-Fi 6 support for seamless connectivity to networks and Bluetooth 5.2 for wireless peripherals like headphones and speakers.


Huawei’s Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops represent a major leap forward in desktop computing. By utilizing a mobile processor like the Kirin 9000C, Huawei has successfully created portable and efficient desktop solutions that can deliver high-performance computing experiences without compromising on power or capabilities. This innovative approach challenges traditional PC manufacturers to reconsider their designs and pushes the industry towards more versatile and adaptable computing solutions.

I. Introduction

Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has been making waves in the technology industry with its recent developments and shift towards self-reliance. After facing numerous challenges from the US government, Huawei has been forced to find alternatives to American technology, leading to significant advancements in their proprietary components. One of Huawei’s most successful ventures has been in the smartphone market, where they have gained a significant share by producing high-quality devices powered by their Kirin chipsets. These chipsets have proven to be formidable competitors against industry leaders like Qualcomm and Apple.

Huawei’s Success in the Smartphone Market

The Kirin chipsets have been instrumental in Huawei’s success, offering impressive performance and power efficiency. The latest addition to the family is the Kirin 9000, which powers some of Huawei’s flagship devices, such as the Mate 40 Pro. The Kirin 9000 has set new benchmarks with its incredible processing power and advanced features like a 16-core Cortex-A78 CPU and a Mali-G78 MP24 GPU. Huawei’s commitment to innovation in their chipsets has led to a loyal customer base that values the brand for its cutting-edge technology.

Huawei’s Latest Venture: Desktop Computing with Kirin 9000C

In a surprising turn of events, Huawei has announced its latest venture: entering the desktop computing market using the Kirin 9000C chipset. This move marks a significant departure from their traditional focus on mobile devices and represents Huawei’s continued efforts to challenge industry leaders in various sectors. The Kirin 9000C, a slightly scaled-down version of the Kirin 9000, is expected to deliver impressive performance for desktop computing tasks. The new development will test Huawei’s capabilities in producing competitive solutions for the desktop market, which has long been dominated by Intel and AMOnly time will tell if Huawei’s bold move pays off and adds another feather to their cap.

Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

Background on Huawei and its Desktop Ambitions

Huawei, a leading global technology company based in China, has been making waves beyond the smartphone market and venturing into other sectors such as laptops, tablets, and now desktops.

Expanding Horizons

Since its inception in 1987, Huawei has focused on networking equipment and telecommunications. However, with the success of its smartphone business since the launch of its first Android device in 2010, Huawei has been diversifying and expanding its reach. The company aims to become a major player in the personal computing market by offering competitive alternatives to established tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, Lenovo, and Dell.

Previous Attempts at Desktop Computing with HarmonyOS

Huawei’s ambitions to enter the desktop computing market became evident when it announced its intention to launch a desktop operating system named Hongmeng OS at the 2019 Huawei Developer Conference. This new operating system was intended to replace Android and Windows on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. However, the company later revealed that Hongmeng OS would be renamed HarmonyOS and would focus on Internet of Things (IoT) devices first. Nevertheless, the announcement sparked curiosity and anticipation among tech enthusiasts and industry experts regarding Huawei’s plans for a full-fledged desktop operating system.

Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

I The Announcement: Huawei Qingyun W515x and W585x Desktops

Details on the specifications of both desktop models

Huawei, the Chinese tech giant, has recently made waves in the tech industry with its plans to enter the desktop market. The upcoming Huawei Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops are creating a buzz, especially with their groundbreaking specifications. Firstly, both desktop models will be equipped with the Kirin 9000C chipset. This is the same powerful processor that powers Huawei’s latest flagship smartphones, making these desktops a force to be reckoned with in terms of performance.


The Kirin 9000C chipset is a 5nm architecture, octa-core processor that boasts a maximum clock speed of up to 3.13GHz. It supports Dual-Channel LPDDR5, ensuring smooth multitasking and efficient memory management.

RAM and storage:

As of now, the RAM and storage specifications for both desktop models have not been announced. However, considering Huawei’s commitment to innovation and performance, it’s safe to assume that they will be competitive with the latest offerings from Intel and AMD.


In terms of connectivity, the Huawei Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops will come Wi-Fi 6 enabled, offering faster download speeds and lower latency. They will also feature Bluetooth 5.2 for easy connectivity to peripherals and Ethernet ports for wired connections.

Visual representation of the desktop designs, if available:

Unfortunately, there is no official visual representation of the Huawei Qingyun W515x and W585x desktop designs available at this time.

Comparison with existing desktop processors from Intel and AMD in terms of performance, power efficiency, and cost

Huawei Kirin 9000CIntel Core i7-11700KAMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Performance:To be announced8 Cores, 16 Threads, up to 5.0GHz8 Cores, 16 Threads, up to 4.9GHz
Power Efficiency:5nm architecture65W TDP105W TDP
Cost:To be announced$430 – $510$549

Once the RAM and storage specifications for the Huawei Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops are announced, a more accurate comparison can be made. However, based on the processor alone, the Kirin 9000C offers similar or even better performance compared to the Intel Core i7-11700K and AMD Ryzen 9 5900X at a potentially lower cost. The power efficiency of the Kirin 9000C is also noteworthy, as it operates on a 5nm architecture, which is more power-efficient than the Intel and AMD offerings. Stay tuned for more updates on these exciting new desktop models from Huawei!

Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

Analysis: Why Huawei is Entering the Desktop Market with a Mobile Processor

Market analysis:

The desktop market has been experiencing a shift towards compact and energy-efficient systems in recent years, owing to the increasing demand for portable workstations and remote working setups. According to link, the global desktop computer market size was valued at over 80 million units in 2019, and this trend is projected to continue. With a growing number of consumers seeking smaller, more energy-efficient desktops, companies like Huawei see an opportunity to enter the market and cater to this demand.

Advantages of using mobile processors in desktop computing:

One approach Huawei has taken to meet this demand is by leveraging its expertise in mobile processors for desktop computing. Mobile processors offer several advantages that make them attractive for desktop applications:

Power efficiency:

Mobile processors are designed to be energy-efficient, consuming significantly less power than traditional desktop CPUs. This is a crucial factor for compact desktops and all-in-one systems that are typically power-constrained.

Ease of manufacturing:

Mobile processors are also easier and less expensive to manufacture than traditional desktop CPUs. This is because mobile processors are designed to be smaller, with lower power requirements and fewer manufacturing complexities compared to their desktop counterparts.

Huawei’s strategy to differentiate itself from competitors:

By entering the desktop market with its proprietary mobile processors, Huawei aims to differentiate itself from competitors like Intel and AMThe company believes that its advanced technology and energy efficiency can provide a competitive edge in the market, especially as demand for compact desktops continues to grow. Additionally, Huawei’s entry into this space can help expand its product portfolio and further solidify its position as a major player in the technology industry.

Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

Potential Challenges and Criticisms

Discussion on potential challenges:

Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT), has recently announced its plans to enter the desktop market with its new processor, the Kunpeng 920. While this move represents an ambitious expansion into a new territory for Huawei, it also comes with several potential challenges.

Market acceptance:

Huawei’s entry into the desktop market might face resistance from consumers, who have long been accustomed to Intel and AMD processors. Creating a new market for Huawei’s desktop processor will be no small feat, especially considering the brand loyalty that exists in the industry.

Software compatibility:

Another challenge Huawei might face is software compatibility, as most desktop applications are currently designed to run on Intel or AMD processors. Ensuring that popular software titles will be compatible with Huawei’s new processor is crucial for the success of the product.

Competition from established players:

The desktop market is already dominated by Intel and AMD, with a significant presence from other players like Apple. Entering this market will require Huawei to compete directly with these established companies, which could prove to be a daunting task.

Criticisms from industry experts:

Despite Huawei’s ambitious plans to enter the desktop market, there have been criticisms and concerns from industry experts regarding the feasibility of using a mobile processor in a desktop setting.

Performance:Desktop processors generally offer better performance and power efficiency compared to mobile processors.
Thermal management:Desktops have larger chassis, allowing for better thermal management compared to mobile devices.
Desktop form factor:Desktops have larger form factors and are designed to support more peripherals, which could be challenging for Huawei’s mobile processor.

These criticisms highlight the significant challenges that Huawei will need to address in order for its new desktop processor to be successful.

Huawei unveils Kirin 9000C-powered Qingyun W515x and W585x desktops

VI. Conclusion

Huawei made headlines once again with its latest announcement of entering the desktop computing market, unveiling its new line of MateStation computers, aiming to compete directly with tech giants like Apple and Microsoft. This move, which comes amidst ongoing trade tensions with the US, marks a strategic shift for Huawei as it seeks to diversify its product offerings and reduce reliance on the smartphone market, which has been under intense scrutiny due to US sanctions.

Recap of Huawei’s Latest Announcement and Its Implications for the Tech Industry

Huawei’s new MateStation line includes a desktop PC, an all-in-one model, and a laptop. These devices run on the company’s own HarmonyOS operating system and feature high-end specifications that rival those of top competitors. By entering the desktop computing market, Huawei aims to challenge the dominance of Apple’s Mac line and Microsoft’s Surface devices. This announcement is significant as it not only represents a direct challenge to market leaders but also showcases Huawei’s technological prowess and its commitment to innovation.

Speculation on How This Move Could Impact Huawei’s Market Position in Both Smartphones and Desktop Computing

The implications of this move for Huawei are multifold. In the smartphone market, the company has experienced a significant decline due to US sanctions that prohibit American companies from supplying key components such as chips and software. However, by expanding its product portfolio and focusing on desktop computing, Huawei hopes to offset these losses and secure its position in the tech industry as a major player. In the desktop computing market, Huawei faces stiff competition from established players. Nevertheless, its entry into this space could lead to increased innovation and competitive pricing, ultimately benefiting consumers.

Final Thoughts on Whether This Venture Is a Game-Changer for Huawei or Just Another Attempt to Diversify Its Product Offerings

The jury is still out on whether Huawei’s foray into the desktop computing market will be a game-changer or just another attempt to diversify its product offerings. While the company has shown impressive innovation with its new line of computers, the desktop computing market is already saturated with established players. However, Huawei’s reputation for producing high-quality, affordable products, combined with its technological prowess, could make it a formidable contender in this space. In conclusion, Huawei’s decision to enter the desktop computing market represents a significant strategic move that could reshape the tech industry landscape. Whether it proves to be a game-changer or not remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – Huawei is determined to stay competitive and innovate in the face of adversity.


By Pier

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