Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat

Samsung Builds Industry-First CXL Infrastructure Certified by Red Hat


Compute Express Link (CXL) is an open industry interface standard for attaching accelerators to the CPU through PCIe. This new interface is designed to meet the needs of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning applications, which require high-bandwidth, low-latency access to data. Samsung Electronics, a global leader in technology, has taken the lead in CXL infrastructure development by building an industry-first CXL-enabled server platform.

Samsung’s Innovation:

Samsung’s CXL infrastructure is a significant step forward in the datacenter industry. The company has integrated CXL into its server platform, allowing for seamless connectivity between CPUs and accelerators. This infrastructure is designed to deliver high-bandwidth, low-latency access to data, making it an ideal solution for AI, ML, and deep learning applications.


To ensure the compatibility and reliability of its CXL infrastructure, Samsung has collaborated with Red Hat. The infrastructure has been certified by Red Hat for use with their open-source enterprise Linux distribution, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). This certification means that Samsung’s CXL infrastructure is fully compatible with RHEL and can be easily integrated into existing datacenter environments.


Samsung’s CXL infrastructure offers several benefits for datacenter operators. First and foremost, it provides high-bandwidth, low-latency access to data, which is crucial for AI, ML, and deep learning applications. Additionally, the infrastructure is fully compatible with RHEL, making it easy to integrate into existing datacenter environments. Furthermore, Samsung’s leadership in CXL infrastructure development positions the company as a key player in the datacenter market and sets the stage for future innovations.

I. Introduction

Brief explanation of Computer Express Link (CXL) technology

Computer Express Link (CXL) is a next-generation I/O interface designed specifically for high-performance computing and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. This innovative technology builds upon the established PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) interface, but offers several advanced features that make it a game-changer in the tech industry. CXL supports PCIe4, the latest version of PCIe, providing double the bandwidth of its predecessor. Additionally, CXL offers NVMe support, ensuring fast and efficient data transfers for non-volatile memory express (NVMe) devices. What sets CXL apart, however, is its ability to provide cache coherent memory sharing. This feature allows different processing elements to access and manipulate a shared pool of data, significantly improving performance in parallel computing tasks.

Importance of CXL certification in the tech industry

The importance of CXL certification in the tech industry cannot be overstated. With the increasing adoption of high-performance computing and AI applications, ensuring compatibility and interoperability between various software and hardware solutions is crucial. CXL certification ensures that devices comply with the latest standards and can work seamlessly with other CXL-certified components. For technology companies, gaining this certification provides credibility and trust from customers and partners. It signifies a commitment to innovation and a willingness to invest in the future of technology development.

Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat


Overview of Samsung’s involvement in CXL development

Samsung, a global leader in technology and innovation, has been actively involved in the development of Compute Express Link (CXL), an advanced high-speed interconnect technology. This next-generation interface aims to revolutionize data center infrastructure by delivering faster data transfer rates, lower latency, and increased bandwidth. Samsung’s commitment to this groundbreaking technology is evident through its collaborations with leading industry players such as Intel and IBM. By joining forces with these technology giants, Samsung aims to drive innovation in the data center market and set new standards for performance and efficiency.

Significance of Red Hat certification for Samsung’s CXL infrastructure

The significance of Red Hat certification for Samsung’s CXL infrastructure can not be overstated. Red Hat, a renowned open-source technology company, plays a pivotal role in providing software support and validation for Samsung’s CXL infrastructure. With this certification, Samsung’s CXL solutions can seamlessly integrate with popular data center platforms such as OpenStack and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). This interoperability enables businesses to leverage the full potential of their existing infrastructure while enjoying the benefits of Samsung’s high-speed CXL technology. By choosing Red Hat certified solutions, organizations can ensure compatibility, reliability, and flexibility in their data center environments.

Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat

I Samsung’s CXL Infrastructure: Features and Benefits

Detailed description of the infrastructure

  1. Components:
    • Hardware: The CXL (Compute Express Link) infrastructure is based on Samsung’s custom-designed CXL controllers. These controllers are integrated into Samsung’s memory modules and processors, enabling high-speed data transfer between the CPU and memory.
    • Firmware: Samsung provides a comprehensive firmware suite for managing CXL devices. This includes driver software, diagnostics tools, and performance optimizers.
    • Software: The CXL infrastructure is compatible with a wide range of operating systems and applications. Samsung offers an SDK (Software Development Kit) for developers to create custom software solutions that leverage CXL’s capabilities.
  2. Scalability:
  3. The CXL infrastructure supports multi-socket and multi-node configurations, making it ideal for large-scale systems. The high bandwidth and low latency of CXL enable scalability without compromising performance.

  4. Security:
  5. CXL provides advanced security features, including encryption and authentication, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity. The infrastructure also supports secure boot and remote firmware update capabilities.

  6. Manageability:
  7. Samsung’s CXL infrastructure includes robust management tools, allowing users to monitor and manage their systems efficiently. This includes real-time performance monitoring, diagnostics, and firmware updates.

Advantages for customers and partners

  1. Enhanced performance for data-intensive workloads:
  2. The CXL infrastructure enables high-speed data transfer between the CPU and memory, reducing latency and improving overall system performance. This is particularly beneficial for data-intensive workloads such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and scientific simulations.

  3. Improved flexibility and compatibility with various systems and applications:
  4. CXL’s open architecture ensures compatibility with a wide range of operating systems and applications. Samsung’s extensive ecosystem of partners further extends the infrastructure’s reach, enabling seamless integration with popular software solutions.

  5. Simplified deployment, management, and maintenance processes:
  6. Samsung’s CXL infrastructure offers simplified deployment and management features, such as remote firmware updates and diagnostics tools. These capabilities help reduce downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring business continuity.

Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat

Red Hat Certification Process and Verification

Red Hat’s certification process is designed to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of Samsung solutions with Red Hat technologies. This collaboration results in a certified solution that meets the highest standards of open source innovation.

Explanation of the certification process

  1. Testing: Each Samsung solution undergoes rigorous testing in Red Hat’s labs. The testing process includes functional, performance, and security tests to ensure the solution works seamlessly with Red Hat technologies.
  2. Validation: Once testing is complete, Samsung and Red Hat teams collaborate to validate the results. This involves documenting any findings, resolving any issues, and finalizing the certification documentation.
  3. Documentation requirements: The certification process requires extensive documentation. This includes detailed descriptions of the solution architecture, integration points with Red Hat technologies, and any known issues or limitations.

Key elements of the certified solution

The certified Samsung solutions offer several key benefits:

  1. Compatibility with popular software stacks and tools: The certified solutions are designed to work with popular open source technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, and other containerization solutions. They also support development frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  2. Integration with Red Hat’s management tools and services: The certified solutions integrate with Red Hat’s automation and configuration management systems, including Ansible, Satellite, and other tools. They also support Red Hat’s containerized application platform, OpenShift.

Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat

Industry Reactions and Market Implications

Reactions from industry experts, customers, and partners

The announcement of CXL technology and its certification has sparked significant reactions from industry experts, customers, and partners. Opinions on the significance of CXL technology: Industry pundits have hailed CXL as a game-changer in the high-performance computing market. They believe that this new interface technology will revolutionize data center architectures by enabling faster and more efficient data transfer between CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators. Red Hat, a leading open-source technology company, has expressed its excitement about CXL’s potential to improve the performance and flexibility of data center workloads. Customers, particularly those in industries that require heavy computational power such as finance, healthcare, and scientific research, have expressed optimism about the possibilities that CXL technology offers for their businesses.

Expectations for future developments in this field: Industry watchers expect that the adoption of CXL technology will lead to a wave of new products and innovations. They believe that hardware manufacturers will start integrating CXL interfaces into their CPUs, GPUs, and other accelerators to take advantage of the performance benefits. Software vendors are expected to develop new applications that can leverage the capabilities of CXL-enabled hardware.

Market implications for Samsung, Red Hat, and the tech industry as a whole

Strengthened partnerships and collaborations: The CXL certification is expected to lead to strengthened partnerships and collaborations among tech industry players. For instance, Samsung’s collaboration with Red Hat on the development of CXL-enabled hardware could lead to new opportunities for both companies in the high-performance computing market. Other players, such as Intel and NVIDIA, are also expected to join the CXL consortium and develop their own CXL-enabled products.

Potential new business opportunities and revenue streams: The adoption of CXL technology is likely to create new business opportunities and revenue streams for tech companies. For instance, Red Hat’s open-source software solutions could become the go-to choice for businesses that want to take advantage of CXL technology. Samsung could benefit from increased sales of its CXL-enabled hardware products. Other companies, such as software vendors and system integrators, are expected to develop new services and solutions that cater to the needs of businesses in the high-performance computing market.

Increased competition and innovation in the high-performance computing market: The CXL certification is also expected to lead to increased competition and innovation in the high-performance computing market. As more companies develop CXL-enabled products, there will be an arms race to offer the most powerful and efficient solutions. This competition could lead to breakthroughs in technology and new industry standards that benefit consumers and businesses alike.

Samsung builds industry-first CXL infrastructure certified by Red Hat

VI. Conclusion

Recap of the main points discussed in the article

In this article, we delved into the recent collaboration between Samsung and Red Hat in the development of Compute Express Link (CXL) technology. We discussed how this partnership aims to revolutionize high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) industries by enabling faster data transfer between processors, memory, and accelerators. The CXL interface is designed to support various device types, including CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and memory devices, making it a versatile solution for diverse applications.

Final thoughts on the importance and impact of this collaboration in the CXL ecosystem

The Samsung-Red Hat partnership holds significant implications for the future of data processing technologies. By integrating CXL into their products, both companies are poised to offer innovative solutions for next-generation workloads, especially in areas like AI and HPThe collaboration will likely lead to more efficient data processing, reduced latency, and improved performance. Moreover, the open-source nature of Red Hat’s CXL implementation will encourage further innovation and collaboration among industry players.

Implications for future technology trends, especially in areas like AI, HPC, and edge computing

The Samsung-Red Hat collaboration is expected to fuel significant advancements in technology trends, particularly AI, HPC, and edge computing. With faster data transfer rates and lower latency, AI models can be trained more efficiently, resulting in improved accuracy and performance. In HPC domains, CXL will enable better collaboration between nodes, allowing for larger and more complex simulations. Edge computing, which requires real-time processing of data at the source, can benefit significantly from CXL’s low latency and high bandwidth capabilities. Ultimately, this collaboration represents a critical step towards realizing the full potential of data-intensive applications in various industries.


By Pier

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