“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Invisible on Certain Games on Xbox Store: A Closer Look

Recently, some users have reported an issue with the “Play with GeForce Now” button being invisible on certain games listed in the Xbox Store. This issue can be quite frustrating for those who were looking forward to trying out these games using Nvidia’s cloud gaming service. In this article, we will take a closer look at this problem and discuss possible solutions.


Users have reported that the “Play with GeForce Now” button is missing or not visible when browsing games in the Xbox Store. The button usually appears as an option for users who have an active Nvidia GeForce Now subscription and are logged into their Xbox account. However, when this issue occurs, the button is nowhere to be found.


There are several potential causes for this problem. One possible explanation is that the game developers have not yet implemented support for Nvidia’s cloud gaming service in their titles. In such cases, there might be no option to play the game using GeForce Now, and the button will not appear.

Another possible cause is a glitch or bug in the Xbox Store or the Nvidia GeForce Now service itself. This could result in the “Play with GeForce Now” button being hidden or not appearing at all for certain games.

Possible Solutions

If you encounter this issue and are unable to see the “Play with GeForce Now” button for a game, there are a few things you can try:

Check Game Compatibility

First, make sure that the game you are trying to play is actually compatible with Nvidia’s cloud gaming service. You can check the official Nvidia GeForce Now website or contact Nvidia support to confirm this.

Update Your Xbox and GeForce Now Apps

Make sure that you have the latest version of both the Xbox and GeForce Now apps installed on your device. Updating these apps might fix any bugs or glitches that could be causing the issue.

Sign Out and Sign Back In

Try signing out of your Xbox account and then signing back in. This can sometimes resolve issues with missing or hidden buttons in the store.

Contact Nvidia Support

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to contact Nvidia support for assistance. They can help determine if there is a known issue with the specific game or if it’s an issue on their end that needs to be addressed.


In conclusion, the “Play with GeForce Now” button being invisible on certain games in the Xbox Store can be a frustrating issue for some users. However, by following the steps outlined above, you may be able to resolve the problem and start enjoying your favorite games using Nvidia’s cloud gaming service. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to Nvidia support for further assistance.

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store

I. Introduction

Nvidia GeForce Now, a cloud-based gaming service, has recently integrated with Xbox Games Pass Ultimate, allowing subscribers to enjoy select games from their library with the added benefit of streaming via Nvidia’s servers. This integration was announced in September 2021, promising a seamless gaming experience for Xbox Game Pass members.

Nvidia GeForce Now and Xbox Games Pass Ultimate

Nvidia GeForce Now is a gaming service that streams games from the cloud, providing users with high-performance hardware to run demanding titles. With this new collaboration, Xbox Games Pass Ultimate subscribers can access their library of games through GeForce Now, making it possible to play on various devices without the need for powerful hardware.

“Play with GeForce Now” button

The integration comes with a new feature: the “Play with GeForce Now” button, which appears in eligible games on the Xbox Store. Clicking this button allows users to stream the game directly from Nvidia’s servers, enabling them to enjoy a smoother experience and potentially better performance.

Recent user reports about button invisibility

However, some users have reported that the “Play with GeForce Now” button is not visible in their Xbox Store for certain games. This has led to confusion and frustration, as subscribers are unable to take advantage of this new feature for those specific titles. The invisibility issue remains unresolved at the moment, leaving gamers waiting for a solution from both Nvidia and Microsoft.

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store

Understanding GeForce Now and Xbox Integration

Nvidia’s GeForce Now is a revolutionary cloud-based gaming service that enables users to stream games from the cloud directly to their devices using their own hardware. This innovative solution eliminates the need for high-end gaming computers, allowing players to enjoy demanding titles with minimal lag and latency. The service boasts an extensive library of games, which is continuously expanding.

Nvidia GeForce Now: The Future of Gaming from the Cloud

GeForce Now is a game-changer for gamers who may not have access to high-performance computing hardware. By leveraging Nvidia’s data centers and powerful GPUs, users can play their favorite games at maximum settings, providing a rich and immersive experience. With GeForce Now, players only need a stable internet connection, a compatible controller, and a device capable of streaming the video output.

Xbox Games Pass Ultimate: The All-You-Can-Game Subscription

Microsoft’s Xbox Games Pass Ultimate is a subscription service offering access to over 100 games on both the PC and console platforms. This expansive library includes a diverse selection of titles from various publishers, providing gamers with ample choices for their gaming preferences. With Games Pass Ultimate, subscribers also gain access to discounts on games in the Microsoft Store and receive exclusive perks like free in-game content and monthly rewards.

The Unique Partnership Between Nvidia and Microsoft

The strategic partnership between Nvidia and Microsoft has led to an exciting integration of GeForce Now and Xbox. With this collaboration, a “Play with GeForce Now” button now appears in games on the Xbox Store. This feature enables Xbox users to stream games from the cloud using their GeForce Now membership, providing another convenient way to access and enjoy games in their library.

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store

I The Invisible “Play with GeForce Now” Button Issue

Detailed explanation of user reports regarding the absence of the “Play with GeForce Now” button in some games on Xbox Store

User experiences and anecdotes:

Users have reported that they are unable to find the “Play with GeForce Now” button for certain games available on the Xbox Store. This issue has caused frustration and confusion among gamers who were expecting to use the service’s cloud streaming capabilities for specific titles. Some users have shared their experiences, such as:

“I was really looking forward to playing ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ on GeForce Now through the Xbox app, but I couldn’t find the button to launch it with the service. I checked the game settings and even contacted Microsoft support, but no one seemed to have an answer for me.”

List of affected titles:

Gamers have noted that several popular titles, including “Red Dead Redemption 2,” “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla,” and “Watch Dogs: Legion,” don’t appear to have the “Play with GeForce Now” button available. This inconsistency across titles has added to the confusion and disappointment among users who were hoping to utilize GeForce Now’s capabilities.

Potential causes for the button’s invisibility

Software glitches or bugs:

One possibility for the button’s absence is related to software glitches or bugs within either GeForce Now or the Xbox Store. These issues could prevent the button from appearing in the user interface, making it difficult for users to access the feature.

Game developers not enabling the feature in their titles:

Another explanation for the issue could be that game developers haven’t enabled the “Play with GeForce Now” feature for their titles, despite it being supported by both Nvidia and Microsoft. This could result in inconsistencies across different games and add to the confusion among users.

Possible workarounds for users experiencing the issue

Updating GeForce Now and Xbox software:

Users may be able to resolve the issue by ensuring that both their GeForce Now and Xbox software are up-to-date. Regularly checking for updates can help mitigate potential software bugs or inconsistencies.

Checking game settings or contacting developers for assistance:

If the issue persists, users can check the game’s specific settings to see if the “Play with GeForce Now” button has been enabled. If it hasn’t, they may want to contact the game developer or Microsoft support for further assistance.

The impact of the button’s invisibility on user experience and potential consequences

Frustration and confusion among users:

The absence of the “Play with GeForce Now” button for certain titles can lead to frustration and confusion among users, particularly those who were expecting to use the service for their preferred games. This inconsistency could result in a negative user experience.

Potential loss in sales or revenue for developers who don’t enable the feature:

On the other hand, developers who don’t make their titles available for GeForce Now streaming could potentially miss out on sales or revenue from users who prefer cloud gaming over traditional console or PC experiences. Ensuring that all supported games have the “Play with GeForce Now” button visible could help mitigate any potential negative consequences.

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store

Nvidia and Microsoft’s Response to the Issue

Both Nvidia and Microsoft have acknowledged the issue regarding the lack of visibility of the “Stream with GeForce Now on Xbox” button in the Xbox Game Pass app.

Statements from both companies regarding the issue and their plans to address it

Nvidia has expressed its commitment to improving the GeForce Now experience on Xbox. In a statement to IGN, a Nvidia representative said, “We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our GeForce Now subscribers on Xbox and are actively working with Microsoft to ensure a seamless integration between our services.

Microsoft, on the other hand, has emphasized its role in facilitating a smooth user experience. “We’re committed to ensuring our customers have access to a wide array of high-quality gaming experiences,” said a Microsoft spokesperson to PC Gamer. “We’re working closely with Nvidia to address the current issue and make it easier for customers to find and access GeForce Now on Xbox.”

Potential solutions and updates

Software patches or new features are among the potential solutions being considered by both companies to improve the visibility of the “Stream with GeForce Now on Xbox” button. Nvidia’s statement implies that ongoing collaboration between the two tech giants could lead to significant improvements in the near future. Microsoft, meanwhile, has acknowledged the issue and is reportedly working on a fix that would make the button more noticeable to users.


Microsoft has announced a new update for its Xbox Game Pass app that includes improved visibility of the “Stream with GeForce Now on Xbox” button. Nvidia and Microsoft continue to collaborate, ensuring a better experience for GeForce Now subscribers on Xbox.

“Play with GeForce Now” Button Not Visible on Some Games on the Xbox Store


In this article, we have explored the intricacies of integrating Nvidia’s “Play with GeForce Now” button into Microsoft’s Game Pass platform. Firstly, we discussed the initial setup process, which involves linking your Nvidia and Microsoft accounts to enable seamless switching between services.


, we delved into the technical aspects of how this integration works, including the role of streaming technology and cloud services. Thirdly, we provided a step-by-step guide on how to access the “Play with GeForce Now” button within Microsoft’s Game Pass interface.

However, we understand that some users might encounter issues during the installation or use of this feature. Therefore, we encourage you to reach out to Nvidia and Microsoft’s customer support teams for assistance. Their dedicated teams are always ready to help you with any queries or concerns you might have. You can contact Nvidia via their link or the support email. Microsoft’s support can be reached via their link or by contacting them directly through their support email.

Finally, as we wrap up this article, it’s essential to emphasize the importance of seamless integration between gaming services. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, collaboration between companies like Nvidia and Microsoft is crucial to providing optimal user experiences. By working together to eliminate friction in the gaming ecosystem, these companies can help gamers save time and enjoy their favorite games more efficiently. We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how “Play with GeForce Now” button works within Microsoft’s Game Pass and encouraged you to explore the potential benefits it offers.

Key Takeaways:
Link Nvidia and Microsoft accounts to use “Play with GeForce Now” button.
Seamless integration between gaming services is vital for optimal user experiences.
Contact Nvidia and Microsoft support for assistance with any issues encountered.


By Pier

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