Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable


files a patent for a new foldable device that bears a striking resemblance to LG’s


phone, marking another contender in the ever-evolving

foldable market

. According to the patent filing, Samsung’s new device will feature a hinge design with an outer display on one side and a

flexible inner screen

that can fold outwards, similar to LG’s innovative Wing design. The patent was filed with the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) on October 21, 2021.

The new foldable Samsung device is said to offer a

clamshell form factor

, allowing users to use the outer display for basic functions and the inner screen for larger displays, providing a more versatile experience than traditional smartphones. The patent also suggests that Samsung’s new device will support multi-window functionality, enabling users to run multiple apps side by side when the screen is unfolded.

The patent filing also reveals that Samsung’s new device will feature enhanced durability, with the hinge design reportedly able to fold and unfold up to 200,000 times. This is a significant improvement over earlier foldable devices that were criticized for their durability issues.

The emergence of this new Samsung patent comes at a time when the foldable market is heating up, with other major players such as




also releasing their own foldable technology/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>devices

. The competition in the market is expected to increase, with consumers benefiting from the latest innovations and advancements in foldable technology.

Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable

I. Introduction

Brief Overview of the Foldable Smartphone Market

The foldable smartphone market has been experiencing rapid growth over the past few years, with major players such as Samsung, LG, and Huawei vying for market dominance. This new category of devices, which offers the benefits of both a large-screen tablet and a compact smartphone, has generated significant consumer interest due to its innovative design. According to link, the global foldable smartphone market is projected to reach $26.7 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of 59.8% between 2019 and 202One of the key reasons for this growth is the increasing demand for portable devices that offer a larger display without compromising on compactness.

Rapid Growth and Competition among Major Players

Samsung, a South Korean tech giant, has been a major player in the foldable smartphone market with its Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Z Flip. The company’s innovative designs and high-quality displays have helped it gain a significant market share. In response, other major players such as LG with its LG Wing, and Huawei with its Mate X2, have also entered the market, leading to increased competition and innovation.

Market Trends and Consumer Demand for Innovative Designs

The foldable smartphone market is driven by several trends, including the increasing demand for larger displays, longer battery life, and sleek designs. Consumers are looking for devices that offer a better viewing experience, while also being portable and easy to carry around. The foldable design allows manufacturers to offer large displays without sacrificing compactness, making it a popular choice among tech-savvy consumers.

Introduction to Samsung’s Latest Patent Filing

In the latest development in the foldable smartphone market, Samsung has filed a patent for a new foldable smartphone design with a tri-fold display. According to the patent filing, the device would have three sections that can be folded inwards, allowing for a larger display when opened out fully. This new design could help Samsung differentiate itself from other major players in the market and meet the growing demand for innovative designs.

Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable

Background on LG Wing-Style Foldable

LG, a South Korean tech giant, introduced a new innovative form factor to the smartphone market with the LG Wing. This unique device boasts a

dual-screen design

with one side hinged like a


. The LG Wing is not your typical foldable phone; instead, it offers an

unconventional design

that sets it apart from competitors.

Description of LG Wing and its unique form factor

The LG Wing’s dual-screen setup consists of a 6.8-inch main display on the front and a 3.9-inch secondary screen on the side, which can be folded back when not in use. When unfolded, the device provides an expansive viewing experience. The

wing mechanism

allows the secondary screen to function as a prop or stand when watching videos or taking selfies, enhancing usability. However, this unconventional design comes with challenges such as increased thickness and weight compared to traditional smartphones.

Market reception and sales performance of LG Wing

Despite receiving

critical acclaim

for its innovative design, the LG Wing faced modest sales due to several factors. The high

price point

, starting at $999, made it an unaffordable option for many consumers. Additionally, limited


in select markets further hindered sales. Nevertheless, the LG Wing paved the way for future foldable devices with unique form factors and showcased LG’s commitment to pushing boundaries in mobile technology.

Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable

I Samsung’s Patent Filing for a Similar Foldable Design

Samsung, the South Korean tech giant, has recently filed a patent (US20210369687A1) for a foldable device with an intriguing design reminiscent of LG Wing’s twin-screen concept. This patent, revealed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), showcases a device boasting two connected screens, with one hinged to the side, much like LG Wing’s secondary display. Let us delve deeper into this patent and discuss its potential features, usage scenarios, and benefits for Samsung.

Description of the patent (US20210369687A1) and its key features:

The patent filing unveils a smartphone with an innovative foldable design. The primary difference lies in the presence of a secondary screen hinged to one side of the device, which when unfolded, offers users a larger display area. This design could potentially cater to various usage scenarios: watching videos with one screen as the main view and the other for controls, multitasking between two apps simultaneously, or even improving the overall user experience during video calls. Furthermore, this design could potentially offer improvements over LG Wing, such as better screen-to-body ratio and enhanced multitasking capabilities.

Potential benefits of this design for Samsung:

This patent filing represents a strategic move on Samsung’s part. By introducing a similar foldable device, Samsung aims to differentiate itself in a crowded market, filled with competitors like LG Wing, Microsoft Surface Duo, and Huawei Mate X. This unique design could cater to users seeking a larger display area without sacrificing portability. Additionally, the enhanced multitasking capabilities could attract productivity-focused consumers, offering them the flexibility to multitask effectively. Lastly, this design could potentially provide an improved user experience, catering to users’ evolving needs for versatile devices.

Analysis of Samsung’s motives for filing this patent:

Samsung’s patent filing can be viewed as a response to competitors like LG Wing, which have already entered the market with similar designs. This patent could also signify Samsung’s strategic alignment with their product development roadmap, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of innovation in a rapidly evolving market. In conclusion, Samsung’s patent for a foldable device with a side-hinged secondary screen represents an intriguing development in the realm of mobile technology. Time will only tell how this patent translates into a market-ready product and Samsung’s competitive edge in the tech industry.

Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable

Competition and Market Impact

Comparison of Samsung’s Patent Design to Competitors (LG, Huawei, etc.)

Samsung’s patent design for its foldable phone, the Galaxy Fold, has drawn significant attention from competitors in the mobile industry. LG and Huawei are two notable companies with their own foldable offerings, the LG Rollable and the Huawei Mate X2, respectively. Let’s examine the strengths and weaknesses of each company’s offering in comparison to Samsung’s design.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Company’s Offering

Samsung: The Galaxy Fold boasts an innovative hinge design, allowing for both inward and outward folding. However, the device’s durability has been a concern due to reports of screen damage during early reviews.

LG: The Rollable, as its name suggests, offers a unique rollable design that expands the screen size when needed. While this is an intriguing concept, it remains to be seen how consumers will react to such a form factor and whether it offers a significant enough advantage over the competition.

Huawei: The Mate X2, like Samsung’s Galaxy Fold, folds inward. It features an elegant design and impressive specs, including a 90Hz refresh rate screen. However, Huawei’s lack of a robust app ecosystem outside China due to US sanctions could limit its appeal to some consumers.

Potential Impact on the Foldable Market and Consumer Sentiment

Increased Competition and Innovation: With multiple companies vying for a share of the foldable market, competition is fierce. This healthy competition should lead to continuous innovation in terms of design, functionality, and user experience.

Price Point and Affordability Concerns: Foldable phones are currently priced at a premium, which may deter some consumers. As more companies enter the market, price points could become more competitive, making these devices more accessible to a wider audience.

Consumer Preference and Brand Loyalty: Ultimately, consumer preference and brand loyalty will play a significant role in determining which company comes out on top. It remains to be seen whether Samsung’s first-mover advantage, LG’s unique rollable design, or Huawei’s impressive specs will win over consumers.

Market Analysis of the Foldable Market: Growth, Opportunities, and Challenges

Adoption Rate and Forecasted Sales Figures: According to a recent report by Statista, worldwide sales of foldable smartphones are expected to reach 32 million units by 202This represents a significant growth opportunity for companies in the mobile industry.

Key Factors Driving Demand: The primary drivers of demand for foldable phones include the desire for larger screens, increased productivity, and the latest technology trend. Additionally, the improving durability of foldable devices is likely to alleviate concerns surrounding their long-term reliability.

Potential Risks: However, there are also potential risks that could impact the growth of the foldable market. These include concerns over durability and reliability, high price points, and the emergence of alternative technologies, such as rollable screens or flexible displays that do not fold.

Samsung files patent for LG Wing style foldable


Samsung’s patent filing for a LG Wing-style foldable phone significantly impacts the future of flexible display technology. By exploring new form factors, Samsung aims to differentiate itself from competitors like LG and Huawei, who have already released unique foldable designs. The patent application suggests a hinge mechanism that allows the phone to rotate outward while remaining connected at the base, providing additional functionality without compromising portability. This innovative approach could revitalize consumer interest in foldable devices, especially since the technology has faced challenges with durability and display creases.

Implications for the foldable market and major players

The patent filing sends a strong message to the foldable market and key players: Samsung is committed to pushing boundaries in mobile technology. With LG’s recent struggles in the smartphone industry and Huawei facing US trade restrictions, Samsung has an opportunity to establish itself as a leader in foldable displays. However, this doesn’t mean other companies will sit idly by; they are likely to respond with their own innovative designs or improvements to existing products.

Anticipated future developments

Future developments in foldable technology may include further refinements to hinge mechanisms, display quality, and durability. Samsung’s patent application hints at the potential for a hybrid foldable device that can function as both a traditional smartphone and a tablet. Other manufacturers might explore similar designs or focus on alternative form factors, such as rollable displays. The competition in this area is expected to intensify as companies seek to capture market share and differentiate themselves from their rivals.


By Pier

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